Kerala Special Treatments


Uses and Benefits:

  • Increases circulation
  • Tones muscles
  • Calm nerves
  • For soft skin and smooth skin
  • Rejuvenates mind and body

Full body massage is done with luke warm oil application over the body

for 30-60 minutes.


Fomentation or the use of hot, moist, medicated, herbal substances is practised to reduce stiffness in joints, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, eliminate toxins and rejuvenate the body.

Uses and Benefits:

  • Increases blood circulation
  • Removes toxins through sweat
  • Reduces stiffness of body
  • Relaxes muscles

Patient have to lie down in the steam box )and steam is given of many herbs according to prakruti and illness of patient.


This involves soothingly pouring herbal oils over the head of the patient as she relaxes. Shiro in Sanskrit is head and Dhara is flow.

 Apart from rendering mental clarity and calmness to the mind, this is one of the most successful treatments for insomnia, depression, hairfall and greying.

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Uses and Benefits:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Hairfall
  • Depression
  • Insomnia /disturbed sleep

In very calm atmosphere medicated oil dhara is poured on forehead. This process reduce stress on central nervous system

4.Pinda Swedan

Uses and Benefits:

  • Helpful in neuromuscular disorders
  • Muscle dystrophy
  • Reduces muscular pain

This procedure is done to bring sweating in body in this medicated rice is cooked in ‘kwath’ and ‘pinda’ is made.


This Ayurvedic anti-cellulite therapy uses medicated herbal powders and oils to massage, scrub and exfoliate the skin and has proven to aid weight loss, help in toning the body, improve blood circulation and brighten complexion, besides acting as an effective mechanism for de-stressing.

Uses and Benefits:

  • Obesity
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

In this process medicated powder of

herbs in applied in ‘pratiloma’

direction by viated kapha is reduced.

6.Kati Basti

For individuals who are prone to working or sitting continuously in the same posture and thereby suffering from lower back pain, Kati Basti is the apt remedy.Herb-infused oils work towards deep-cleansing, muscle-building and joint lubrication.


  • Backache
  • Spine problems
  • Slip disc
  • Sciatica
  • Lumbar spondylosis

In this process heat is applied to lumbar or sacral region by retaining warm medicated oil within a specially formed frame.

7.Netra Tarpana

Ayurveda provides the best, most efficient and time-tested remedies for weak vision, sight disorders or stress in the eyes. The treatment is useful to correct refractive errors, treat computer vision syndrome, dry eye, sub-conjunctival haemorrhage, squint in vision and even in basic relaxation of the eyes.

Uses and Benefits:

  • Increases eyesight
  • Helps to delay cataract
  • Helpful in itching

Medicated ghee is poured in eyes in

eyes for 5-10 minutes.

8.Janu Basti

One of the most effective Ayurvedic treatments for chronic knee pain, Janu Basti provides longstanding relief from severe pain. It is particularly useful in treating Osteoarthritis, stiffness in the knee joints, Osteoporosis, ligament tear and also as a preventive therapy for athletes, hikers and individuals in occupations which involve impose stress on the knee joints.

  • Degeneration of knee joint
  • Knee joint pain
  • Reduced fluid in joint

In this process, with the help of black gram powder,hot oil poured

over the joint for 15-20 minutes.

9.Greeva Basti

Considering today’s sedentary lifestyle and stressful work patterns, anyone, irrespective of age, can become victims of stiff neck and spondylitis. Greeva Basti is a concentrated treatment in the neck region, using hot, medicated oil. This is most effective in relieving stiffness in the neck and spine region, combating pain in the spinal area and preventing its degeneration arising from cervical spondilitis and cervical spondylosis.

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10.Pada Abhyanga

One of Ayurveda’s most loved treatments focusses on reflex points in the foot, using herbs infused in oils. This helps restore optimal functioning of the internal organs and the entire body. This traditional massage focusses on the feet, ankles, heels or calves, based on the individual’s needs

11.Shiro Abhyanga

A stimulating Ayurvedic head massage using warm oil focusses on the shoulders, neck, face and head. The massage relaxes these areas, most susceptible to stress and induces a heightened state of tranquillity and promotes concentration. The treatment has a lasting impact on overall wellness.

Diseases & Its Panchakarma Treatments


Vaman ,Virechan


YogBasti Vaman, ,Virechan ,Nasya

Knee pain

Janubasti ,YogBasti

Back pain

Katibasti ,Matra Basti


SpinalBasti , Matra Basti


Kati Basti, Matra Basti, Nadi Swed

Slip disc

Katibasti ,Matra Basti ,PindSwed

Neck pain

Manya Basti, Nasya, Pindswed Matra Basti

Neck pain

Manya Basti, Nasya, Pindswed Matra Basti


Vaman, Virechan, Raktmokshan, Shirodhara ,Basti

Blood pressure

Shirodhara ,Yog Basti


Shirodhra ,Yog Basti


Vaman,Virechan,Prameh Basti


Shirodhara, Nasya ,Vaman

Hair fall

Nasya, Shirodhara, Virechan

Male infertility

Vaman, Virechan ,Nasya,Shirodhara Vrushyabasti, UttarBasti

Female Infertility

Vaman, Virechan, Yogbasti ,Nasya ,Shirodhara ,UttarBasti

Shoulder pain



Matrabasti, Jalaukavcharnam, Ksharsutra


Vaman, Virechan, Nasya ,Shirodhara, Matrabasti, Lekhanbasti

Weight Loss

Udvartan, Lekhanbasti,Virechan

Weight Gain

Bruhanbasti, Snehpan


Virechan ,Jalaukavcharnam ,Mukhlepam

Sexual Disorders

Shirodhara , Vrushyabasti, UttarBasti



Sinusitis, Cold

Nasya ,Vaman


Vaman, Virechan ,YogBasti

Kidney Stones

Ashmarihar Basti

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